Episode 57: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
To get the full director's cut edition of this episode with extra bonus content including an extra preshow excerpt, support the show today at patreon.com/WScottis1!
I'm in lesbians with you! We are joined by returning guest Naaim Siddiqi from the Rain Delay Radio podcast and we talk about the differences between being a geek and being a nerd, and yes there is a difference. Plus, there is some weird intricacies in generations between Millennial and Gen Z and Willie talks about how he doesn't really fit either one of them because of his birth year and Scott seems to be morphing back and forth between reality and his dream sequence, we go over which moments in the film are actually happening to Scott in his real life and which ones he's dreaming about.
Naaim's Links:
Rain Delay Radio
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Music from https://filmmusic.io
"Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)